After a DWI arrest, you do not immediately surrender your driver’s license. Just because you have been charged with a DWI does not mean that you have been found guilty or have been convicted of a DWI offense. Up and until the final disposition of your case, you are free to operate your vehicle.
There are many times that I’ve been successful in having DWI charges dismissed against my clients. This is important for my clients to understand in their initial consultation with me – just because they were charged with something doesn’t mean that there is any sort of conviction on their actual record.
Alternatively, if a client decides to accept a guilty plea – an offer given by the prosecutor – I will do my best to try to push back their court date. This way, they can arrange their affairs in a way that will best assist them in the process or during the period that they will not have a license.
Do I Really Need To Hire A DWI Defense Attorney If I Plan To Plead Guilty To DWI Charges In New Jersey?
You are not required to hire a defense attorney if you are charged with any offense. However, it doesn’t hurt to get a free consultation.
I never pressure any of my clients or prospective clients to retain me. However, it is important to remember that you have rights.
You do not maintain the burden of proving yourself innocent – the state has to prove you guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
I have nearly a decade of experience in representing clients in DWI arrest matters and I have been very successful in obtaining favorable results for them. In some situations, I can help to see their charges dismissed.
Of course, I can never guarantee such a result – but I pride myself on going through each one of my cases with a fine tooth comb and formulating the best defense that I can for my client.
I would never suggest that anyone go to court or plead guilty without giving yourself a fair shot of a free consultation with an experienced attorney and hearing what your rights are.
For more information on Driver’s License Suspension For A DWI Arrest In NJ, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (908) 421 3668 today.

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