Steps To Take After Being Released From Custody
After being released from police custody, we suggest that you work quickly to get your vehicle out of impound to ensure that you’re not charged with any additional fines or fees from the towing company.
Next, we suggest that you seek consultation from an experienced DWI attorney as soon as possible. This is important because your attorney will need to work fast to obtain evidence of the violation on your behalf. For example, our firm will request all motor vehicle recordings commonly known as MVRs (motor vehicle records), or body cam footage. Unless these are requested, they may be erased after a certain period of time.
By working with an attorney early on after your arrest, you can be sure to preserve your rights and get the best possible outcome. This is only possible if you have an expert on your side who can preserve facts, documents, testimony, and other types of evidence that can create the foundation of your legal defense.
Never Plead Guilty Without Getting Some Information
It’s important to remember that it’s the state’s job to prove you’re guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. You do not have the burden of proving yourself innocent. As such, pleading guilty to a charge may not always be in your best interest – even if you think it’s impossible to win your case.
You’re not required to hire a defense attorney if you’re charged with any traffic offense. However, we at JSD Legal would never advise someone to go to court and plead guilty without getting a free case evaluation from an experienced attorney. This is because getting a free consultation is always in your best interest. While we never pressure anyone to retain us, we do make it a priority to remind you of your rights.
Consulting An Experienced DWI Attorney
In our initial meeting, I’ll often start by taking some time to learn about your version of the events. I’ll ask specific questions about what you recall happening during the traffic stop and before the arrest. Then, I work to gather all the necessary contact information and ticket information.
Once I have all the details of your case available, we’ll meet to thoroughly discuss the potential strategies we can use moving forward. I always make sure to set aside a substantial amount of time to meet with you, so that you can be sure to get all of your questions answered. Moreover, I’ll provide you with my direct phone number in case there are any questions that you may not have asked me during our initial consultation, even if the questions are unrelated to the DWI charge.
I’ve seen how nerve-racking being charged with DWI can be, so I do my best to ensure that you have all the information you need to take the process one step at a time. Whether you prefer to meet in-person, via Zoom, or even in the comfort of your own home via a house call – I’ll make sure that you have the support you need.
Success Due To JSD Legal Being There
If you’re found guilty of a DWI charge, you’ll face many negative consequences that can affect your overall well-being. This is especially true if you are faced with a license suspension.
For instance, one winter, I received a call from a single father. He had left a bar and had fallen asleep in his car. He had no intention of driving anywhere, but it was cold outside, so he turned the car engine on while he slept so he could stay warm. After a while, a police officer approached him and asked him to step outside of his vehicle. A DWI investigation began, and the father was arrested for driving while intoxicated.
The next day, this father called me – and he was very concerned. As a single parent, he was the sole breadwinner of the household, and he was the primary person responsible for taking care of his child. He was concerned about the potential consequences of being charged with a DWI, and whether he might lose his license. Not only would that make getting to and from work very difficult, but taking his child to and from daycare would become all but impossible. He quickly realized that all this meant that if he lost his driving license, he would also lose his job.
So many people find themselves in this situation after a DWI arrest – realizing that one consequence of a conviction will snowball into so many areas of their life. Fortunately, a DWI arrest doesn’t always have to end in an avalanche of problems. In this case, I was able to do the work that makes my job so important. After we presented our defense to the prosecutor, the entire DWI case was dismissed, so the single father was able to keep his license, remain in his job, and continue providing for his child.
Achieving such a favorable result for my clients is one of the many reasons I make myself available for questions and am very thorough in my investigations of each case. Of course, this result isn’t possible in every single case, but I make it my priority to ensure that each of my clients gets the best outcome available to their situation.
For more information on Aftermath Of A DWI Arrest In New Jersey, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (908) 421 3668 today.

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